Save the Date

Save the Date: October 27, 2012

Our Life in Photos

From our first hike together.
From our first camping trip together.
Halloween 2009, Congress Hotel Party.
Patagonia Lake, after Halloween
First hike through the snow together!
Same as above; we were at Rose Canyon, Mt. Lemmon.
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Park.

In June, we tiled 700 square feet of our home in about 20 days. Never. Again.
Tanque Verde Falls; we hiked up through the river. The noise of the falls was deafening!
Same as above; the falls were just to the left of this picture. See Jeremy in the center?
Josey relaxing on a camping trip in Madera Canyon. So spoiled.
We took a trip to Wisconsin in October of 2010. Sarah had never been there before.
At the Olbrich Botanical Gardens.
How could we pass up a picture with the giant mouse?
Halloween 2010: Avast!
Our first trip to the top of Mt. Wrightson!! See the moon between our smiling, frozen faces?
Sunrise over the valley. November 20, 2010.
Christmas, 2010. Our first together!
At a friend's birthday party.
The Packers won the Superbowl!!
Shooting pool at The District. She missed.
Same as above. He missed too.
Josey looking adorable.
The day we inadvertently climbed Mt. Bigelow. Quite a view, though!
Same as above; Josey did not approve.
Rock-scaping the backyard in May. Jeremy was the only one who could manage the wheelbarrow.
Sarah did all the raking. We moved 11 tons of gravel!
Early June: Building the fort for our new pool table!
No more trips to the District for us!
First stop on our road trip: Hermosa Beach, CA.
Second stop: Hidden Springs, Humbolt Redwood Forest, CA.
Third stop: Gates Pass, OR. This was Ranie Falls.
Forth stop: Portland, OR.
Football at Himmel Park, Tucson, AZ. The weather's always great!
(Please click on "Our Engagement In Photos" in the sidebar if you wish to continue chronologically. :)
A Thanksgiving sunset. Jeremy got Sarah her Woodson jersey for the 2010-2011 season!
First camping trip of the year in Madera Canyon.
At the end of Florida Spring Trail; it was a lot steeper than we'd anticipated!

April 29, we drove to San Carlos, Mexico, where Sarah earned her SCUBA diving certificate! Jeremy already had his.

Same as above; Jeremy is signalling his okay-ness.
Same as above; Sarah ascends to the surface.


  1. These photos are wonderful :) Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Um Sarah, aren't you supposed to shoot the white ball to hit the other balls? Also, Jeremy makes a much better pirate than Spock, although Jeremy in a toupee is hilarious. Just throwing that out there. You guys are cute! Can't wait!
