Save the Date

Save the Date: October 27, 2012

Our Engagement In Photos

Packing for our second trip up the 9453 ft tall mountain. At night.
On the way up; it was actually fairly warm, even in mid-November. We had more than enough layers.

Taking this picture blinded Jeremy for a few moments; the flash was extremely bright to make up for the heavy darkness.

Josey is doubting the sanity of her owners at the moment. This is inside our tent at Josephine Saddle, where we ate dinner and slept for a couple hours at 7250 feet. We started off again at about 2:30AM.
We made it! Just as the sun was rising across the valley, we reached Mt. Wrightson's summit. It was very windy, which made it very cold, but we were also very proud of ourselves!
Jeremy walked across the summit while Sarah hurriedly took pictures because the camera's battery was dying. She did not have time to wonder about what he was doing over there. Sneaky man!
We have no pictures very close to the moment, but here's one of the (gorgeous) ring Jeremy offered and Sarah accepted.
Hiking back down in the sun.
So happy! We were trying to get a picture together using the timer before the camera died.
We couldn't stop smiling; our teeth got very cold!
Josey, surveying the valley. Homeward!

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